Dear Parent/ Carer,

I am delighted to be writing to you in the middle of a week when we are once again fully open on a full-time basis for every single year group, including work experience placements and enrichment sessions. Although 91% of our students continued to attend school through the lockdown period after Christmas, it feels extra special to be fully reopen, and we have been really pleased with the engagement of students in the last week as well as their commitment to the Coronavirus testing programme.

I am writing with some key updates we have already talked through with students upon their return to school.

Firstly, in order to maximise learning opportunities, we have made some changes to the timings of our school day. These are listed in the table below. Although there are no changes to start and finish times of the day, we have made some changes to lesson times, and as lesson 1 now begins at 9.15am, it is even more vital that all students are now in school by this time at the very latest every day. Our free Breakfast Club continues to operate from 8.45am every day, and as always, it is fantastic to see so many students arrive to school early to attend this.



Breakfast Club 8.45-9.15

Period 1 9.15-10.15

Period 2 10.15-11.15

Break 11.15-11.30

Period 3 11.30-12.30

Period 4 12.30-1.30

Lunch 1.30-2.00

Period 5 2.00-3.00

Form Time 3.00-3.15



Breakfast Club 8.45-9.15

Period 1 9.15-10.15

Period 2 10.15-11.15

Form Time 11.15-11.30

Brunch 11.30-12.00

Enrichment 12.00-2.00


Secondly, I wanted to share with you the details of our newly updated risk assessment for being fully reopen. This can be found at the bottom of the policies section of our website at: If you have any questions or concerns regarding any element of this, please let me know.

In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to give you some advance warning of some diary dates. The 2021 Spring Term finishes at 12.30pm for all students on Tuesday March 30th, and the 2021 Summer Term begins at 9.15am on Tuesday 20th April. A reminder that as ever, all of our term dates for the remainder of the academic year, including our remaining training days, can be found at:

Finally, I am delighted to introduce Becky Worton to you as our new Receptionist. Jeanette Foster left us at the beginning of the lockdown period in January and we wish her well in her new role.

Please contact me directly at [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this letter, or if there are any other matters I can help with in any way.


Yours faithfully,

Andrew Wakefield
