Recent Posts

  • Principal’s Update May 27th 2021

    Dear Parent/ Carer, I hope you and your children are all well at the end of what has been a very busy half-term! I am writing with some key updates ahead of the last day […]

  • The Edge Academy’s Student Guide to Awarding GCSE Grades in Summer 2021

    The government has said that many exams and assessments cannot be held fairly this year as a result of the disruption students have faced due to the pandemic. Your teachers will instead submit grades to […]

  • Reach Out Project Visit To Cannon Raceway.

    Dear Parent/Carer, Year 10 pupils have been offered an amazing opportunity this half term to work with The Reach Out Mentoring programme They work with young people across the country to offer them opportunities […]

  • Cultural Capital Visits to Worcestershire

    Dear Parent/Carer, Student enrichment experiences are a vital part of our Safe, Ready, Respectful curriculum at the Edge Academy and we are delighted that we can now begin to offer more of these as the […]

  • Yr11 Visit to Halesowen College

    Dear Parent/ Carer, We are continuously developing our careers curriculum and currently want to include more opportunities for meaningful encounters with higher and further education establishments. During the pandemic access to institutions has been limited […]

  • 10A Visit to Halesowen College

    Dear Parent/ Carer, We are continuously developing our careers curriculum and currently want to include more opportunities for meaningful encounters with higher and further education establishments. During the pandemic access to institutions has been limited […]

  • Visit to Cannon Raceway for Year 8

    Dear Parent/Carer, As a Science reward activity for our pupils we will be visiting Cannon Raceway on Monday 17th May 2021. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a team game of Laser Tag. […]

  • Yr 9 Visit to Cannon Raceway

    Dear parents/carers, As a Science reward activity for our pupils there is an opportunity to visit Cannon Raceway on Wednesday 19th May 2021. Students will  participate in a team game of Laser Tag. All students […]

  • Principal’s Update May 8th 2021

    Dear Parent/ Carer, I hope you are well and keeping safe in these continuing challenging times. Apologies once more for the inconvenience of the problems with our heating and hot water earlier this week. I […]

  • Coronavirus Update as at May 7th 2021

    Dear Parent/ Carer, I am writing to inform you that we have been made aware of a single member of staff who has tested positive for COVID 19 today. We believe one student in school […]