Recent Posts

  • Safeguarding Update as at March 20th 2019

    Safeguarding Update   Dear Parent/ Carers, As part of our continuing push on raising safeguarding standards, I am writing with an update on our emergency evacuation and critical incident procedures. You are probably aware that […]

  • Maths update as at March 21st 2019

    Maths Update Dear Parents/Carers, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the New Lead Teacher of Maths at The Edge and to inform you of some of the exciting changes and […]

  • Parents Evening April 4th 4-6pm

    Parents Evening Letter April 4th 2019   Dear Parents/Carers, Year 7,8,9,10 and 11 “Fish and Chip” Parents’ Evening We would like to take this opportunity to formally invite you to a Parents’ Evening with a […]

  • Year 11 Mock Examinations

    Year 11 Mock Examinations: GCSEs in English and Maths Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th March 2019     Dear Parent/ Carer,   With just under three months until the impending GCSE examinations, it is imperative […]

  • Pupil Premium Letter as at March 18th 2019

    Pupil Premium Letter as at March 18th 2019   Dear Parent/Carer, At The Edge, we are committed to providing your child with the best education and support we can. Although we provide free meals for […]

  • Teaching and Learning Update

    Teaching and Learning Update   Dear Parents/Carers, As we continue in our push to raise standards, I am writing to update you on our focus for the remainder of this half-term around our “Safe, Ready, […]

  • Safeguarding Update as at 14th March 2019

    Safeguarding Update Dear Parent/ Carers, As you are aware, safeguarding is of paramount importance to everything we do at The Edge, and I would like to take this opportunity to update you all on the […]

  • Weapons Letter March 19

    Dear Parents/Carers   Police and schools in the city are committed to working together to protect our young people from becoming victims of knife and weapons crime.   We use a range of tactics including […]

  • Principal Update as at February 25th 2019

    Start of Spring Half-Term 2 Update   Dear Parents/Carers, I hope you are all well and that your son/ daughter enjoyed the half-term holiday. As always, I am writing to you at the beginning of […]

  • End of Spring Half-Term 1 2019/ Start of Spring Half-Term 2 2019 Arrangements

    End of Spring Half-Term 1 2019/ Start of Spring Half-Term 2 2019 Arrangements   Dear Parents/Carers, I hope you are all well and thank you as always for your support and commitment so far this […]