Recent Posts

  • Year 11 Mock Exams

    Year 11 Mock Exams Dear Parent/ Carer, We are delighted with the positive attitude that Year 11 students have been showing towards their studies in recent weeks. In GCSE English Literature, students have been studying […]

  • Attendance and Safeguarding Update

    Safeguarding/ Attendance Update   Dear Parent/Carer, I would like to begin by thanking all parents/ carers for the improvements in our attendance over recent months. Attendance for 2018/9 so far is 17% higher than it […]

  • Safe, Ready, Respectful

    Expectations and Standards Update November 2018 Dear Parents/Carers, As we settle into the second half-term of the academic year, I would like to take this opportunity to update parents/carers on some of our new developments, […]

  • Safeguarding Newsletter November 2018


  • Shaping Futures Newsletter October 2018

    Shaping Futures Newsletter October 2018 Please click on the link to see our first half-termly newsletter of 2018/9. This features updates on all areas of academy life and an introduction from Principal Andrew Wakefield.

  • Holiday Revision and Start of Autumn Half-Term 2

    End of Autumn Half-Term 1 /Holiday Revision/ Start of Autumn Half-Term 2 Arrangements   Dear Parent/Carer, As the end of Autumn Half-Term 1 approaches, we are writing with clarification of our holiday revision sessions and […]

  • Celebrating Mental Health Day

  • Breakfast Club and Lunchtime Update Dear Parents/Carers, I am writing to remind you that we provide breakfast free of charge for all of our students who want it between 8.55-9.15am every morning! Students should arrive […]

  • English Blood Brothers Trip

    Blood Brothers English Trip Reply Slip Year 10 Theatre Trip – Blood Brothers Dear Parent/ Carer, You are probably aware that we are currently studying the play Blood Brothers by Willy Russell, work on this […]

  • Post 16/College Open Evening Dates 2018-2019

    Post 16/College Open Evening Dates 2018-2019 Dear Parents/Carers, A vital part of the provision at The Edge Academy for our students is the support and signposting to the next steps in their education, apprenticeships or […]