Recent Posts

  • Safeguarding Update/ Start of Term Arrangements September 2018

    Safeguarding/ Start of Term Arrangements   Dear Parent/Carer, I would like to start by wishing you and your child a restful and enjoyable summer period. All staff stressed to the students in the end of […]

  • OFSTED Inspection Update

    OFSTED Inspection Update   Dear Parent/Carer, Following our OFSTED inspection in June, I am writing to inform you in advance that our full inspection report will be published at the beginning of September on both […]

  • Results Day Thursday 23th August

    Dear Parent/ Carer,   We are writing with a reminder to all parents/ carers of Year 11 students that Results Day takes place on Thursday 23th August this year. The academy will be open between […]

  • KS3 Rush Trampoline Park

    KS3 Rush Trampoline Park Dear Parent/ Carer,   We are currently developing our KS3 curriculum to include more opportunities for building resilience and risk taking. It is with this in mind that we are delighted […]

  • GDPR Update

    GDPR Update Please be aware that following recent changes in Data Protection legislation, we have updated a number of policies around GDPR to our website. On the policies section of our website, you will now […]

  • Key Stage 3 Droitwich Lido Trip

    Droitwich Lido Swimming Trip Dear Parents/Carers, In response to a recent student voice survey on rewards, we are running a swimming trip to Droitwich Lido for Key Stage 3 students on Thursday19th July. All KS3 […]

  • Uniform Update

    Uniform Update   Dear Parent/Carer, You will be already be aware that we are proud of the part uniform forms within our identity at The Edge. It reinforces who we are as a community and […]

  • Sports Day Letter July 18th

    Dear Parent/Carer   As an extension of our recently expanding PE programme, we are delighted to announce that we are running our first Sports Fun Day on Wednesday 18th July 10-2pm at the park local […]

  • Droitwich Lido Swimming Trip

      Droitwich Lido Swimming Trip Dear Parents/Carers, In response to a recent student voice survey on rewards, we are running a swimming trip to Droitwich Lido for Year 10 students on Monday 16th July. All […]

  • End of Term Arrangements

    End of Term Arrangements Dear Parent/Carer, Thank you all for your continued support as the end of term approaches. A reminder that I look forward to meeting you all again (or the first time in […]