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  • Principal Update as at June 6th 2018

    Dear Year 11 Parent/Carer,   I hope you are well and that your child is continuing to enjoy a successful examination period. As a team of staff, we will continue to be there for Year […]

  • Start of Summer Half-Term 2 Reminder

    A reminder following our previous letter that Monday 4th June is a staff training day so we are closed to students on that date. Students need to return on Tuesday 5th June at 9.15am.

  • Principal Update as at May 23rd 2018

    Dear Parent/Carer,   As always I hope you are well and hope that your child is looking forward to the Half-Term holiday. I would like to thank our students for their hard work over the […]

  • Exam Letter as at May 13th 2018

    Dear Parent/Carer, You will no doubt be aware that Year 11 students are about to enter the main examination season, the results of which are crucial to determining the path your son/daughter will follow in […]

  • Summer Half-Term 1 Reward Trip

      Rewards Trip Letter as at May 9th 2018 Summer Half-Term 1 Reward Trip Parents/ Carers, As part of our continued push on the importance of attendance (and in response to student voice), I am […]

  • Principal Update 30th April 2018

    Dear Parent/Carer, I would like to thank you for the support you have given me in my first couple of weeks in role as Principal and would also like to thank the vast majority of […]

  • Parent and Carer Update Letter 17th April 2018

    Dear Parent/Carer, Following the earlier letter you have received from me this week, I am now delighted to write to you with further news of two new appointments at The Edge and details of new […]

  • Letter from new Principal 16th April 2018

    Dear Parent/Carer, Following today’s earlier letter from Karen Slater, I am delighted to write my first letter to you as Principal of the Edge Academy. I would first of all like to thank Karen for […]

  • Headteacher change 16th April 2018

    16th April 2018 Dear Parent/Carer, I am writing to inform you of a leadership change at the academy.  As many of you will be aware, I was brought in to the academy as Interim Principal […]

  • Attendance Update for Parents as at April 25th

    Dear Parent/Carer, As we approach our third week of term, we would like to thank the many parents/ carers who ensure that their children attend school regularly and punctually. Should you have any queries regarding […]