GDPR Policies/ Documentation

Other Policies

Accessibility Plan as at March 29th 2024
Adult Behaviour Policy as at September 30th 2023
Anti-Bullying Policy as at December 5th 2023
Attendance Policy as at December 5th 2023
Behaviour Policy as at December 5th 2023
CCTV Policy as at December 5th 2023
CEIAG Policy as at July 4th 2023
Charging and Remissions Policy as at April 4th 2024
CIC Policy as at December 14th 2023
Complaints Policy as at September 30th 2023
Critical Incident Policy as at September 30th 2023 (update 14.01.24)
Drug and Alcohol Policy as at December 5th 2023
Equality Policy as at December 15th 2023
EVC Policy as at September 30th 2023
Examination Policy as at July 3rd 2023
Finance Policy and Procedure Manual as at December 5th 2023
Health and Safety Policy as at December 2023
Literacy Policy as at December 17th 2023
Managing Incidents Off School Premises Policy as at March 9th 2024
No Platform for Extremism Policy as at July 3rd 2023
Online Safety Policy as at September 30th 2023
Positive Handling Policy as at December 5th 2023
Provider Access Policy as at April 2024
Quality of Education Policy as at December 18th 2023
Relationship and Sex Education Policy as at December 15th 2023
Remote Education Policy as at December 18th 2023
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy as at October 8th 2023
SEN Policy as at December 14th 2023
Supporting Students with Medical Needs Policy as at September 30th 2023
Whistleblowing Policy as at April 2024

Other Key Documentation